My daughter is having probs with her 21mth old little boy at night ever since fireworks night. She also has a 4mth old little boy. Most nights he goes to bed then screams for mummy or daddy and gets himself in a real state. He gets out of bed and bangs the stairgate, screams, etc.
theyve tried controlled crying, staying with him til hes asleep but he wakes up and starts screaming again.
Hes fine when he stays with me or his other grandparents.
so has anyone got any productive advice please for my worn out daughter and son in lawAdvice needed for problem bedtime?
My daughter suffers from Nightmares and Night terrors and my nights alter from calm and serene to complete hell.
Here are a few tricks I use:
Leave a few quiet toys in his room like building blocks, soft toys and books - if he want's to play a little let him.
Get him a night light - we used a light up fairy house on Keira and told her the Fairies had moved in to look after her at night.
Also we got a selection of calming audio tales and music which she is allowed to choose. Paddington Bear and Kipper are good ones. Watch out for tales of witches and giants as they caused me problems.
When she does get upset I usually climb into bed with her until she settles but leave before she falls asleep - though often if she is having a night terror she isn't really awake and doesn't know I'm there.
Sometimes she is being a typical toddler and is trying it on - that is when I use controlled crying. I never use it if I think she is distressed as I think it is then harmful.
But most of all I remember that this is just a phase (although its been going on for a year on and off) and he will grow out it and probably straight into the next phase!Advice needed for problem bedtime?
Hiya! Ive been having the same problem with my little boy. He`s now 2yrs 7 months.
I resulted in putting a tv/dvd combi in his bedroom. He now looks forward to bed time and likes to watch peppa
He is now doing fantastic at bedtimes, Result as im due to give birth again anyday and need the rest myself.
Good luck!!!
Jeni :)
There are a few things they could try if they haven't already.
A night light,
Changing his room around so it feels different for him, maybe even change rooms (if possible)
It might not be the fireworks but the new baby. He may be feeling left out.
doing a makeover in his room, maybe with character he enjoys, putting in one of those monitors that your daughter can watch from her room.
Changing his room around so it feels different for him, maybe even change rooms (if possible) puting the lil boy in 2 share the room with him,
next time fireworks season comes around have like a picnic and everyone can make a big deal everytime one goes off, maybe if dad can say things like do you want the stars to laugh loud with funny colors, silly talk always helps. i know he's still a baby and doesn't understand but maybe who knows it might help.
Yep. Keep putting him back to bed and persevere; he's pushing their buttons. If he keeps getting out of bed, put him back in the cot for a bit.
i agree with amy
Thats awful, poor things. The trouble is fire works seem to go on for almost a month now its no wonder the little one is frightened.
As he is ok with his grand parents he may be scared of his bedroom, is his bed near a window ? Maybe worth trying to move it. Might even be an idea to put up some soothing pictures, soft lighting
Have they tried soft background music classic might be worth a try. I can't think what else to suggest I'm sorry to say. Wishing them all good luck
Night light but having a bed time routine where they read a book and say prayers and Mom and Dad lay there for while till he falls asleep
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