ok now my BF claims i have jealousy problem wit his x but hes constantly around his X and he says he has no feelings for him at all he cant help it she comes around him but im still having doubts that he still has feelings for her cuz ive read the myspace messages hes wrote her and im still trying to reassure myself hes not lying like he messages her and i know he still cares for her and they talk on the phone he messages her stuff and even though he says hedon'tt want to be around her hes messages say whydon'tt you ever speak to me when you walk by and if hedidn'tt want her to speak with him he coudve been told her hedidn'tt want to talk to her or want nothing to do with her like i understand his side but he says imoverreactingg and jealousy and when i day it hurts he still does these things he says im blowing it up. And idon'tt think he understands me when i say ifYouu want nothing to do with her tell her butobviouslyy youhaven'tt and he says i do the same thing talk to boys but the thing is ididn'tt kiss that boy in front of you face ididn'tt break up with you for that boy once upon a time and idon'tt constantly play withthatt boy in you face.
so tell me cause idon'tt know!Advice on relationship problem please?
You don't have a jealousy problem, and he does still have feelings for his ex. He's the one with the problem. I think you need to end that relationship before you get hurt.
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