I am a 14 and a girl that stays up way too late!! everytime i start staying up super late like this i hear the holy spirit saying ';rachel do no do that you need to be going to bed'; and i keep on ignoring it and staying up till like 1:00 am in the morning!! what is going on?? i feel like god is gonna send me 2 hell for doing this???I have a problem with staying up late and need christian advice?
Well Rachel, you won't go to hell for that, but you are going to feel awful in the morning when you have to get up and function! I know the feeling because I am a night owl too. I do not think God sends all night owls to hell. He is a good God and loves us! Try drinking some hot milk and eating a turkey sandwich. I think you should wind down and take a warm bath and turn the lights off and count sheep or do a crossword puzzle. You will feel a little drowsy because some crossword puzzles are boring. Your mind is too active so only keep beautiful things in your mind before you go to bed. Once you establish a routine, it won't be so hard for you!
God bless you, Rachel!I have a problem with staying up late and need christian advice?
Okay, first off, it is probably you thinking ';Hey, it's probably about time I go to bed.'; Second off, whoever is making you think that staying up late at night is a sin is a damn fool. If being up at one o' clock in the morning were a sin, all the cops, factory workers, college students, Emergency room doctors/nurses/staff would all be absolutely screwed in the spiritual world. You need to just get some sleep. I tend to stay up way too late for my own good, but have to force myself to go to bed at a decent time. This is something that you have to do for yourself. Only you can determine when you go to bed. Also try turning off music and lights in your bedroom and removing any distractions. If you need some white noise, try some soft music turned down very low or a ceiling fan or something to that effect.
Best wishes.
a lot of it can be simple things
1) lack of exercise - most likely part of it. if you get enough exercise normally you'll be tired and then go to bed.
2) eating too much at night - if you eat too much at night you will have trouble sleeping.
3) not eating enough raw fruits and vegetables - should make up a large part of your diet.
4) not enough sunlight - this can definitely be a factor.. because sunlight is what helps start melatonin production which is what helps regulate sleep.
5) too much computer or tv at night - studies have proven that being on the computer/tv can interfere with sleep patterns.
First of all, god does not hate you for staying up late. If staying up late is the worse thing you ever did, then Kudos to you!!!-)
I am a night owl myself. You just have to train yourself to go to sleep. that means if you have to get up at 6am then make sure you are in bed no later than 11pm. Make yourself go to bed, lay there if you have to, that is what I had to do. After a while, your body will get used to it.
Good luck to you
Staying up late at night does not bring you to hell, disobeying God will. Just check on your habbits because it developes into an attitude. It is not good for 14 year old to stay very late at night for your health and academics sakes. Because it lowers your brain activity and weakens your body. continous practice will result to unbalance health and diet. It might not be the spirit saying those thing but rather your concience. Don't stay very late unless important and does not affect your studies.
This is not a spiritual problem though it may be an ethical one?
Are you staying up late on school nights or just weekends?
If on a weekend is it because you were at a party?
What kind of party?
Are you staying up to watch TV or videos or gaming instead of studying?
Are you reading books? What kind?
Are you running late for morning activities or school?
Please be more specific!
The problem could just be restlessness caused by fluctuating teenage blood sugar and hormone levels.
Try a simple solution avoid stimulants like junk food with lots of sugar or caffeine after 9 pm.
About 9pm have one last snack something like hot drinking chocolate or milk.
God gave you a brain and expects you to use it. Also, being a Christian means you have to discipline yourself. So you shouldn't be staying up to 1 am without good reason.
If you have a mobile, set a time to go to bed as well as a time to get up in the morning.
God does not send people to Hell for not listening to the Holy Spirit.
It is by your own choice to quench the Holy Spirit .You're only hurting yourself.
If you feel it's the Holy Spirit trying to guide you into doing the right thing, then why are you resisting ?Just do what you feel the Holy Spirit is guiding you to do and you will be alright.
Maybe these verses will help coax you to bed at a decent hour:
Proverbs 6:9 How long wilt thou sleep, O sluggard? when wilt thou rise out of thy sleep?
Proverbs 11:27 Well doth he rise early who seeketh good things; but he that seeketh after evil things shall be oppressed by them.
If that doesn't work, ask your parents to start dragging you out of bed at 5am every morning. (EVERY morning, 7 days a week). In a couple of days you'll be so exhausted you'll go to bed earlier.
Going to bed late isn't a big deal compared to other things but could be a sin if you parents told you to go to bed at a certain time. You won't go to hell for your sins though if you ask god to forgive you for them and accept him as your savior.
Well, if God's bidding you to do something you really should do it
I am 16, and I like to stay up late too, but if u decide to stay up late, read the bible and pray
(hint: satan always try to distract you or make you sleep when you pray)
Dont let the holey spirit put ideas in your head.
Play it smart and get those voices out. You'll
feel better in the AM and your parents will still
be alive. Oh, and tell your folks to use protection
for their next child.
no he is not but your parents are telling you to go to bed and you are not that means you are being disobedent. right. when i have a hard time sleeping reading God word comforts me and i fall straight to sleep. try it
What problems are resulting from your staying up late?
What activities are you involved in when you stay up late?
Are you disobeying your parents by staying up late?
Just staying up late itself is not a sin.
Hold up the Bible above your head with two hands and then let go.
It will either make the voices go away, or make you fall asleep... or er... unconscious. Either way, it's a win-win situation.
God will not send you to hell for staying up late.
God loves you even at your worst.
God's love is unconditional... so much so we cannot even fathom his endless mercy and grace towards us.
Talk to your mom about getting prescription drugs.
Take your finals after a month of doing that,
and you'll have made it to hell.
Rule 14.
If that's the best you've got, try again.
That voice is PEDO BEAR!
Don't ask me I have always been a night owl.
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