This dog needs much more exercise and when you can't supervise, confinement in place (crate or dog-proof room) with his toys where he cannot get into trouble. He is still a kid and getting into things.I am having an animal behavior problem, any advice?
what u need is a profeesional dog trainer to come into ur house and help u and ur dog out so u can gain control and he knows who is incharge
I would first try increasing his exercise and work some training time into his daily activities. Boxers are high-energy and an extremely athletic breed. A bored boxer will destroy anything it comes across as a form of amusement.Of course, discipline the behavior when you catch him doing something wrong. Increasing his physical activity may be the stimulation he needs to break this bad habit.
Maybe try a spray for chewing. Its a spray with a awful taste and you just spray it on the things you dog might chew or does chew. Or the next time he does something like this spray him with water and say bad dog in a mean voice and maybe tie him up for a couple of mintues, and when he does it again just repeat it. I hope this helps
How much exercise does he get? Many dogs will become frustrated if they do not get enough exercise, and will bark excessively, dig, rip stuff up, and be a complete nuisance.
Try taking him for a very long walk to poop him out. If he is tired, he simply will not have the energy or desire to be so destructive.
Do you have a room in your house that does not have so many chewable things in it? A laundry room, perhaps? You could try using a baby gate to confine him to a single room while you are gone. Give him toys, a comfy blanket, and a Kong toy in there to keep him busy while you are gone. There are many toys that also dispense treats at set time intervals, to keep your dog distracted. I would personally try crate training him again, but I understand why you don't want to, so I think you should try this option instead.
Long story short- Give him tons of exercise (especially before you leave the house), then confine him to a single, non-destructible room while you are gone. Give him things to keep him busy and comfortable.
Good Luck!
You're not out of options. You need to obedience train your dog. Find a class that will teach your dog all of the AKC Novice exercises (heel, sit, stand, down, stay, and come) within three months. As you work on the stationary exercises (stays), he will develop some self-control.
Don't forget exercise - he needs a lot of it. At least a one hour walk every day.
And, you need to use the crate. When you can't supervise him, he needs to be crated so that he doesn't destroy things.
as far as the couch and chair if they were leather I'm willing to bet that you have given him either rawhide bones or cow hooves which when wet by him chewing on it start to smell and taste like leather which causes confusion understandably if not he's probably just board and wants attention.
As far as the lights go, my suggestion to you is to rub bar soap on everything you think he might and don't want him to chew on my mothers dog did the same thing and the bar soap worked!
Don't go out and buy that bitter end stuff it does not work MY dog ate the whole bottle and she is a boxer as well
Hurt himeself in the crate? or hurt himself chewing thru everything in the house? Hmmm... which would be worse.. Crate him and keep him out of trouble and save him from himself.
Your dog is bored beyond belief. He needs more exercise, he needs training.. Wear him out so he hasn't got the energy to eat your entire house.
Best thing to do is exercise!!!! Bring the dog to a dog park let the dog run for about 1 hour a day! the biggest reason for destruction is board-um. so leave plenty of chew toys and study the dog at home let him know what is a good to and bad toy (the couch). bottem line make sure he is worn out before you leave the house
How long do you have this dog? It sounds that he doesn't feel secure at home... or missing exercice. Boxer are very anxious dogs... You should teach him little by little to stay alone, not at once... first when you are in the home, teach him to stay alone in a room without moving.. he can come out only when you call him. If he stays, you give him a rewards, if not, you are consequent and put him back in his place, and tell him to stay. Start this for a while. Then go out of the home for max 10 minutes and come back... and increase the time. Very important: before leaving him alone, go for a long walk with him... make him tired. Give him a lot of bones and toys.. (less costly than a new sofa or chair!). If your dog is not tired enough, he will get too much nervous and go out of control!
Hope it helps.. good luck!
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