Monday, August 23, 2010

Need femal advice for downstairs problem?

Hello im alittle concerned about my girlfriend. She said her vagina is sore, like shes been having alot of sex but we havent had hardly any lately. She also said it hurts when she pees. Im not having any such problems so im thinking it must just be a girl thing. Does anyone know what could cause the kind of soreness that you get from alot of sex and a burning sensation when you pee. I was thinking some kind of urinary tract infection. She refuses to go to the gynecologyst, says she doesnt want to waste money but i think should. any advice would be greately appreciated.Need femal advice for downstairs problem?
well if there was any rough or a lot of wiping or wiping the wrong way like from back to front that could dry her out that could be the culprit. Bacteria near the backend needs to stay back there and not get pushed forward. Anytime it can get near the front end it can cause an infection. She may also not just have a UTI but both a UTI and vaginal infection. Her best bet is to either see a dr. or risk the effects of having a long life problem. (I myself have to see a urologist every 6-8 months usually to get dilated as I was to tight and tightness alone can either be from scarring from a UTI or tightness can possibly lead to more infections if the bladder isn't being emptied properly and the waste is just sitting there letting bacteria build up. Normally the urine is sterile but anything that can get in the way can cause an imbalance of things to go on that can lead to an infection. If it's not a UTI maybe she should think if she recently changed any soaps. Sometimes certain soaps can dry a person up so I was told that Dove was the best thing for my girls. Cystitis is known as inflammation of the bladder and I don't know that it would cause her to feel like she's been sore from that alone but it's possible for her to be feeling the burning from a UTI or soap that could be in the area. I would tell her the consequences of her not going to see a dr. such as being layed up in the hospital over the holidays cause she wanted to save some money. Maybe you could offer to split the bill so she doesn't feel as if she's spending so much money. Also if a girl doesn't want to see a gyn due to thinking about wasting money she may pay for it big time later on in life if she gets damage from one infection. I would mention if something was going on but often I'd be ignored and now I'm paying a lot more now in the long run by spending over $1,000.00 each time I need to get dilated. I'd tell her to see her primary dr. or and call him/her before she is seen. The dr. may be able to call in a script for her so she can go pick it up. She can also ask about something to help with the burning cause it will only get worse if she has an infection. Usually if there is burning caused by an infection the bacteria are already way in a high amount which will take a couple of courses of the antibiotics to get the burning to go away.

She would safe more money by either seeing her primary dr. (at least the co-pay may be lower than seeing a gynor it may be the same cause sometimes gyn's are considered women's primary dr. in cases where they may not get a regular yearly physical) and to see a gyn for this problem is not a bad idea especially if she is having other symptoms like soreness-could be from a vaginal infection too that could be caused by the same bacteria that may be in her bladder. Treatment may include oral antibiotics and vaginal cream or just one antibiotic. She needs to get it tested to see what type of bacteria shows up so the dr. can give her the right antibiotic. She's only risking her long term health by not getting seen. She should call now and maybe the dr. will tell her to see him/her tomorrow morning even though she doesn't have an appointment. If she calls tomorrow to get in they may say they can't get her in till after the holidays and by then kidney damage may set in if she has an infection. UTI's are more common in females because of the close proximity of the urethra and anus. I'd see if she gets worse by the minutes or starts to feel the need to use the bathroom more. I have read that the bacteria in a UTI can multiply so fast. Until she can get ahold of a dr. she can try drinking cranberry juice if she has some at home. She should call the dr's office first though. Better that she is safe than sorry later on. If any UTI goes long without treatment ie. antibiotics then she is setting herself to possibly have more damage done and may end up in the hospital if it goes to her kidneys. That will get very expensive if she has to be in the hospital than if she just saw a dr. in the first place. Taking a shower may make her feel better. If she is in so much distress and it burns when she goes she could go in the shower. I know some people may frown upon that but our pediatrician recommended that for our kids after they went in for symptoms. It somehow helps with the burning to not feel as bad. Urine is usually acidic which may explain why it burns the delicate area while going similar to eating an orange if one has a cut on the lip or in the mouth.

If she has by any chance used tampons or forgot one that may also cause some soreness along with discharge and a foul smelling area. I hope that's not the case as she can be at risk for P.I.D. (pelvic inflammatory disease) but she should seek immediate treatment to prevent infertility later on in life. After she calls the answering service for her dr., If she's told to go to an E.R. and she doesn't want to spend the money she could try an urgent care center. The dr. there will be seen earlier and it will save her some money rather than the normal amount charged to every patient no matter what they go into the E.R. for. Any dr. should be able to be able to see if there's a possibility of a UTI from just a sample after it goes to the lab. This may be more costly but she can also go to the store to get one of those over the counter kits that may tell her if she may have a UTI but it won't tell her if she has a vaginal infection. If it tests positive then she can call the dr. and tell him/her the results but she will most likely have to go in anyway in order to get the right medication. Her best bet is to call her dr's answering service and ask that he/she call that she gets a call back as she's not sure if she should wait it out or go to see them tomorrow when they open again. I don't recommend waiting it out. One more thing...If she goes in on Monday the results may not be in till the earliest of Tuesday or Wednesday. This would delay getting antibiotics so she's better off to go and find it's nothing or get treatment to prevent it from going to the kidneys. Sometimes a preliminary dip stick may show negative even if there is an infection. It will take the lab at least 24 hours to see if anything grows overnight. The dr. may be able to give her some antibiotics to cover her if she is uncomfortable as I did wait till after I saw the dr. and then had to call and say that my temperature kept climbing and he ended up calling in some Cipro for me. I felt that it could have gone into my kidneys because of my temperature so even if she did go to see the dr. she should ask if there's any way he/she can give her something for the burning, urgency, or other symptoms and get antibiotics started to prevent her from feeling worse. There are over the counter products like Uristat that may help with the urgency and burning but it along with cranberry juice is not meant to cure a UTI that needs antibiotics. A dr. can also prescribe her something for the burning that may be better than Uristat. Uristat contains a chemical in it that will most likely stain her clothes with orange color so she's best to wear protection. If she does test positive for a UTI and vaginal infection and it's her second one in her lifetime the dr. she sees may tell her to see a urologist. For a guy if they have one UTI they should see a urologist as I was told. I was told that after my daughter had two UTI's. She got a test that showed why she was more prone to infections and needed to stay on antibiotics for at least a one to two years. In the long run it was much better for her to get seen so she doesn't have to deal with what I have in my life for the rest of it. I'm not embarrassed to see the urologist but it does take a lot out of or wallet.Need femal advice for downstairs problem?
main thing that comes to my mind is a UTI... as I have read from many of your answers go and seek or your girlfriend seek over the counter medication. Also not to scare you but chlamydia has this undesirable condition of burning when you pee....I think if the UTI medication does not work go and see your gynae!!!
that will be the best option to go to pharmacy and tell them to give you some medicines

and if the problem is serious so i will say u must go to doctor !!

that will be the best !!!!
Could be thrush try canasten cream,or it may be cystitis or even alergy caused by condoms,best to get it seen to by a doctor a female one if she prefers.
I say Urinary Tract Infection too. If she doesn't want to go to the doctor have her drink some Cranberry juice.
Sounds like cystitis, an over the counter cure is available at the pharmacy.
This can be really bad umm she should go to the doc or u chould pay for her if u love her that is what i would do
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